Raging into the void


Posted on September 30, 2008 1 min read

The following things made me furious today:

“Ryan” from Glasgow who claims “Parents don’t influence responsible/irresponsible drinking in their children. Society does.” – yes that’s you imbecile, all children behave exactly the same regardless of parental involvement, that’s why every bloody child drinks exactly the same amount of booze every day. Fuckwhit.

Ending an email “toot toot” does not make up for the fact your work is really a bit crappy especially considering the amount you are being paid.

Just give us bloody kettles will you.

You do not understand the economic crisis, if you did you would not be wasting time writing asinine comments on the internet portraying yourself as a economic genius.

Tracey ‘Mild Tallent at best’ Emin.

My god damn self extinguishing oven.